The Greek Rhetorical Concept of “Parrhesia” As Theological Key To A Renewed...
From Hollywood comes the latest political scandal. Richard Dreyfuss, a prominent actor, was spotted at a Ted Cruz rally. Shock and outrage echoed from Hollywood and Vine throughout Malibu Canyon....
View ArticleCatholic Social Teaching: Pro-Establishment? (Matthew Shadle)
In his address to the United States Congress in September, Pope Francis said, “Politics is . . . an expression of our compelling need to live as one, in order to build as one the greatest common good:...
View ArticleBrexit Confirms Some Of Plato’s Cautions (Ronald Beiner)
Political Theology Today invites short, personal reflections from our contributors and editors concerning their immediate reaction to, and what they foresee as the consequences of, the referendum in...
View ArticleSouth African Political Unrest And The New Activism Of The Churches – A Tale...
Over the past two or three years I’ve published several pieces with PTT on the theological significance of South Africa’s democratic evolution and the involvement of churches there. The last of these...
View ArticleDonald Trump and the Triumph of the Personal (David True)
With Trump’s Inauguration upon us today, many of us are still trying to make sense of his rise to prominence, let alone power. Conventional wisdom holds that the Trump campaign was utterly novel and...
View ArticlePolitical Anthropology And The Post-Liberal Future (Jonathan Cole)
Liberalism is in the throes of a profound crisis of legitimacy. It feels like only yesterday that it was able to bask casually in the triumph of the “end of history”, as Francis Fukuyama famously...
View ArticleChristianity and Democracy after Trump
Many white evangelicals seem not to realize that American democracy has also been good for American Christianity and that too close an association between worldly and spiritual power will ultimately...
View ArticlePolitical Theology, Volume 19, Issue 7, November 2018 is now available
The new issue of Political Theology includes a guest editorial from Joshua Ralston, essays by Christopher Trigg, Michelle Wolff, and Kyle Lambelet, and a roundtable on political theology and literature...
View ArticleThe Underside of Populism
Populism seems to have at least these advantages: it privileges practical reasoning over theoretical; it binds us to place; it recognizes modernity’s political gains; it does not posit reactionary...
View ArticleUnresolved Tensions: Common Humanity vs. Ethnographic Frameworks
At stake is the very possibility of democratic politics. Without minimizing or devaluing the experience of oppressed and marginalized communities, the way forward—as Luke Bretherton has convincingly...
View ArticleDreaming of a democracy driven by the preferential option for the poor…
Bretherton’s robust yet flexible understanding of democracy and politics offers the promise of engaging diverse others in constructing the common good for all, with particular care for the destiny of...
View ArticleBrethertonian Thinking
According to Luke Bretherton, theologians, in forgetting that prophetic critique presumes eschatological affirmation, have yet to understand what the work of theology comes to.Source
View ArticleThe Author’s Response
Situated on this eschatological middle ground, political theology must reckon with how we live in a time when the kingdom of God is present, creating moments of transformation and rupture...To speak...
View ArticleTurkey Trouble in Florida
In Florida and elsewhere, communities facing technological and environmental risks do well to adopt the ethics and politics of precaution.Source
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